CBGP Spades and Dominoes Tournament
CBGP Spades and Dominoes Tournament
Charlotte, NC
If you have game, get your partner and join us for the first CBGP Spades and Dominoes Tournament. Enjoy meeting new friends, fun competition, Door prizes and light refreshments. 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place Trophies for Spades and Dominoes Winners
Saturday, December 20 2014
7:00 PM
10:00 PM
CBGP Mardi Gras Jazz Brunch
CBGP Mardi Gras Jazz Brunch
Charlotte, NC
Charlotte Black Gay Pride Presents Mardi Gras Jazz Brunch Sponsored by Charlotte Business Guild Celebs Restaurant and Lounge 445 W. Trasde St Sunday July 20th, 1-4pm $15 Regular $20 Bottonless Mimosas Tickets at Door $20/$25 100% of our Proceeds will benefit the Lupus Foundation Of America, North C…
Sunday, July 20 2014
1:00 PM
4:00 PM